Collection: Fimbriaphyllia (Hammer & Frogspawn Coral)

Fimbriaphyllia corals, also known as Hammer and Frogspawn corals, are popular and widely available in the aquarium hobby.

These corals are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of lighting and flow conditions. They prefer moderate to high lighting and low to moderate water flow.

Propagation of Fimbriaphyllia corals, such as Hammer and Frogspawn corals, is relatively easy in the aquarium hobby.

Fimbriaphyllia corals come in two primary growth forms: branching and wall. Branching corals have numerous branches that extend out from a central stalk, while wall corals have a flat, disc-like shape that grows out from the substrate.

In terms of aggressiveness, Fimbriaphyllia corals can be moderate to aggressive, with their sweeper tentacles capable of stinging and damaging nearby corals. It is important to provide enough space between Fimbriaphyllia and other corals to prevent territorial disputes and damage.