Collection: Echinoderm (Starfishes, Urchins, Sea Cucumber)

Echinoderms are a diverse group of invertebrate animals that includes sea stars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. They are popular additions to the aquarium hobby due to their unique appearance and interesting behavior.

Sea stars, also known as starfish, are perhaps the most well-known echinoderms in the aquarium hobby. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, and can be quite striking to look at. Sea stars are also fascinating to watch as they use their tube feet to move around the aquarium and prey on small invertebrates like snails and shrimp.

Sea urchins are another popular echinoderm in the aquarium hobby. They are known for their spiny, ball-like appearance and can come in a variety of colors and sizes. Some species of sea urchins, like the pencil urchin, are particularly good at controlling algae growth in the aquarium and can be valuable additions to a reef tank.

Sea cucumbers are also popular in the aquarium hobby, although they are less well-known than sea stars and urchins. They are known for their long, cylindrical bodies and their ability to filter feed on detritus and other organic matter in the aquarium. Some species of sea cucumbers, like the sand-sifting cucumber, are also valued for their ability to help keep the sand bed in the aquarium clean and healthy.

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