Collection: Euphyllia (Torch Coral)

Euphyllia corals are a stunning and highly sought-after addition to any aquarium. These beautiful corals are known for their vibrant colors, intricate branching patterns, and swaying tentacles, which make them a mesmerizing sight to behold.

Water flow is a critical factor in maintaining the health and vitality of Euphyllia corals. These corals require moderate water flow to thrive, as it helps to distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout their tissues and remove waste products. On the other hand, excessive water flow can be equally damaging to Euphyllia corals. Strong currents can cause the coral to close up its polyps, which can lead to the coral starving and eventually dying. High water flow can also cause the coral's tentacles to become damaged, which can make them more vulnerable to infection.

One of the most common types of bacterial infections that affect Euphyllia corals is known as Brown Jelly Disease. This disease is characterized by the appearance of a brown or reddish-brown slime on the coral's tissues, which can spread quickly and cause significant damage if left untreated.

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