Collection: Duncanopsammia

Duncan corals, also known as whisker coral or duncans, are popular among hobbyists in the aquarium trade. They belong to the genus Duncanopsammia and are native to the Pacific Ocean. These corals are known for their colorful and attractive appearance, making them a popular addition to many reef tanks.

Duncan corals have a unique appearance, with a fleshy, round-shaped body that is covered in polyps. Duncan corals are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a range of lighting and water flow conditions. They do best when placed in a moderate flow area, and under moderate to high lighting. They are also hardy and can tolerate minor fluctuations in water parameters.

They also benefit from supplemental feedings of small meaty foods such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and small pieces of fish or shrimp. It is important not to overfeed them, as excess food can cause water quality issues and harm the coral.

One of the most appealing features of Duncan corals is their ability to reproduce easily, which makes them ideal for fragging and propagation. As a result, they are a popular choice for hobbyists who are interested in trading or selling coral frags.

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