Collection: Chromis & Damselfish ( Pomacentridae )

Chromis is a genus of fish in the family Pomacentridae. While the term damselfish describes a group of marine fish including more than one genus, most damselfish are in the genus Chromis. These fish are popular aquarium pets due to their small size, tolerance for poor water quality, and bright colors, though their lifespans tend to be shorter than other fish.

In general, chromis are hardy fish; almost all damselfish are recommended as beginner fish as they can withstand changing parameters and imperfect conditions better than most other saltwater fish. However, just because they are some of the best does not mean that they are as hardy as some other freshwater fish. Remember that saltwater aquarium systems tend to be slightly more delicate and susceptible to fluctuations than freshwater ones, especially in the first year of their lives.